Gastroenterology & Hepatology


The Gastroenterology and Hepatology services provided at SMC Specialized Hospital are one of the most specialized services in Bangladesh. A total of four Senior Academic Consultants provide this service, which ranges from basic diagnostic care to advanced therapeutic interventions in Gastroenterology/ Hepatology. All Consultants are nationally and regionally recognized experts in their fields. The Gastroenterology and Hepatology services are closely supported by SMC’s Interventional Radiology services, and GI Hepatobiliary surgical services.

Services commonly managed by our team of experts:

  • Gastric and Colon Cancer screening
  • Endoscopic treatment of early Gastric and Colon cancer
  • All types of chronic liver disease, including Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  • Non-invasive assessment of liver disease
  • Endoscopic Ultrasound
  • Palliative Gastroenterology (for advanced cancer)
  • Helicobacter Pylori detection and treatment for resistant infection
  • Complex inflammatory bowel disease, including biological therapy

Service Scope

  • Diagnosis and treatment for various gastrointestinal diseases – including long-term epigastric pain, gastroesophageal reflux disease, chronic diarrhea and constipation
  • Diagnosis and treatment for hepatitis and various liver diseases – including chronic hepatitis B and C infection, fatty liver disease, assessment of liver cirrhosis and related complications
  • Advanced endoscopic diagnosis and treatment for various digestive diseases – such as diagnosis of digestive cancers and lung cancer, endoscopic resection of early gastrointestinal tract tumors, endoscopic placement of a metallic stent to relieve digestive tract and biliary tract obstruction, diagnosis, and treatment of small bowel diseases.
  • 24-hour urgent endoscopic treatment for various gastrointestinal emergencies – including treatment of acute peptic ulcer bleeding, treatment of acute cirrhosis-related variceal bleeding, acute lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding, foreign body ingestion, and endoscopic treatment of acute cholangitis
  • Comprehensive screening for various digestive cancers – including early gastric cancer, colonic cancer, and pancreatic cancer
  • Noninvasive, painless, small bowel and large bowel capsule endoscopy examination

Equipment and Facilities

  • Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) System
  • Endoscopic Ultrasonography (EUS)


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